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Welcome to The Lab.

This is the place where you get to collect your own sets of Lab Cards... and conduct your own thought experiments for a life well lived.

Mar 13, 2019

You know what its like when you pick up a novel that you last read a few weeks back and you can't remember much about it until... BAM.

You read one sentence and the whole thing comes flooding back in full detail.

In the Thought Experiment video, Accessing The Library,Accessing The Library we use that amazing capability to access your own life stories. Because those stories contain resources that can help you with the challenges and opportunities to face today.

In this Deep Dive you get to remind yourself what you already know, but don't know you know... how to get there!


Letter From The Lab

Every two weeks I share a new thought experiments as videos (and as these 'Deep Dive' podcasts). If you'd like to receive these as I release them you can subscribe to 'Letters from the Lab'.



Thought Experiment Video: 11. Accessing The Library 

Letter From The Lab



[Warning - Please don't listen to Deep Dive podcasts if you are driving or are not in a place where you feel relaxed and safe!]