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Welcome to The Lab.

This is the place where you get to collect your own sets of Lab Cards... and conduct your own thought experiments for a life well lived.

Nov 10, 2018

Take a deep dive into your own subconscious mind and explore the insight that helping others is the best way to help yourself.

Kindle again that feeling you experience in those moments of kindness and generosity, no matter which way it flows. And in doing that come to know at a deeper level, that this is how the whole thing works.

So... put on some headphones, sit back and relax... it promises to be a lovely journey.


Letter From The Lab

Each week I share a new thought experiments either as videos or podcasts). If you would like to receive these as I release them you can subscribe to 'Letters from the Lab'.



2. Help Others Get It - Thought Experiment Video

Letter From The Lab



[Warning - Please don't listen to Deep Dive podcasts if you are driving or are not in a place where you feel relaxed and safe!]